Monday, August 22, 2016

Health benefits of Fenugreek seeds

The super Spice: Fenugreek Seeds( Methi dana)

Fenugreek seeds(methi dana) and leaves played a very important role in Indian cuisine. Dal(lentil stew), curry, fish, and chicken dishes spiced up with fenugreek seeds or powder. Fenugreek leaves are also good culinary ingredients in Indian cuisine. Fresh Fenugreek leaves as well as dried fenugreek leaves (Kasuri methi) also used in Indian cuisine. Not only a spice fenugreek seeds and leaves are played a very important role in Indian Ayurved. It contains medicinal properties that can help to reduce cholesterol, control diabetic problems, boost heart health, prevent skin and hair problems and help with women's health problems.

It contains a wide variety of beneficial nutrients including iron, magnesium, manganese, and copper, as well as Vitamin B6, protein and dietary fibre. It also contains several powerful phytonutrients. Take  1 tsp of fenugreek seeds and soak it in hot water overnight, strain the water and drink it first thing on an empty stomach in the morning. If you have fenugreek seeds powder then take 1 tsp of fenugreek powder and mix it with warm water and drink on an empty stomach. using fenugreek seeds, powder or leaves in the daily diet can improve certain health conditions naturally. It is available in any Indian grocery shop.

Health benefits of Fenugreek seeds:-

Reduces cholesterol levels and cardiovascular risk factors:-

Research shows that consumption of fenugreek seeds helps to reduce cholesterol levels. It helps to reduce LDL cholesterol levels significantly. It contains a high amount of potassium that counters the action of sodium to help control heart rate and blood pressure, which can prevent heart attacks or strokes.

Aid to diabetic condition:-

Fenugreek is very useful for type II diabetics. Fenugreek induces the production of insulin. 15 - 20 grams of fenugreek seeds or powder need to be consumed to control blood sugar levels.

Helpful in Women's health problems:-

Fenugreek is also helpful for nursing mothers.The presence of Diogenes in fenugreek helps to increase the production of breast milk. It also helps to reduce symptoms of menstrual discomfort and menstrual cramps associated with PMS.

Aid in skin and hair problems:-

Fenugreek seeds powder is used as a face-pack to reduce skin scars, acne, pimple, and black-patch.  Mix it with hair oil preferably coconut oil and massage to the scalp to reduce hair problems like dandruff and hair fall. It strengthens hair and makes it shiny.

Aid to constipation:-

Fenugreek contains high fibre which helps our bowel movement naturally. It also helps with indigestion and heartburn.

Eat natural and stay healthy :)

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Health benefits of Clove ----- A Spice for Healing.

A spice for healing:  CLOVE

Cloves (Syzygium aromaticum ) are native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia and are commonly used as a spice. Cloves are harvested primarily in Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania.

The clove tree is an evergreen tree that grows up to 8 - 12 m tall with large leaves and sanguine flowers grouped in terminal clusters.

Cloves are used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, Chinese medicine, Western herbalism and dentistry. Dried clove flower buds, leaves, stems and oil are used to make medicine. In Asian cuisine, Clove plays a big role as an aromatic and exotic spice.

Cloves include minerals such as Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorous, potassium, sodium, and zinc. Vitamins such as Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, and vitamins A, C, B 6, B 12, E, D, and K. Clove is a good source of antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory agents.

Clove has been used as a remedy for several diseases such as -----

  • Temporarily treat toothache, and gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Relieve upper respiratory infections.
  • Treat scrapes and bruises.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve digestion.
  • Enhance sexual health.
  • Boosts immune system.
  • Provides relief from headaches.
  • Protects the liver against infection
  • Helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Rich in anti-cancer properties.

Eat Natural 

Ref - Wikipedia.

Friday, March 11, 2016

10 Amazing Benefits of eating Green Chilies

Capsicum annuum L widely known as Green chillies is a common spicy vegetable in the whole world. India is the world’s largest consumer and producer of green chillies. In Indian cuisine, we can’t think about a spicy dish without chilli. From chutney to pickles, curries and fries almost every dish green chilli is a most needed ingredient. There are various types of chillies but green chillies are the best one. Green chilli is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B 6, Vitamin A, iron, copper, and potassium. Green chilli doesn’t have cholesterol substance. It has phytonutrients like Carotene – B, Carotene – A, Kryptoxanthin - B and Lutein Zeaxanthin.

 Protect against Cancer: Green chillies are a rich source of antioxidants. They can protect the body against free radical damage to body cells giving natural immunity to cancer.

Delays Ageing:  Green chillies are a great source of Vitamin C, adding green chillies to your diet can slow down the ageing process and keep the skin healthy and glowing.

Eye care: Vitamin A found in green chilies helps improve vision and helps to maintain healthy eye.

Digestion: Green chillies have plenty of dietary fibres which help to digest food faster and proper movement of the bowel system.

Improves Mood: Green chillies release feel-good hormone endorphins that help to keep happy and in a good mood.

Weight loss: It helps in weight loss by increasing metabolism by burning calories.

Immune system: Green Chilies are a natural source of Vitamin C, which helps maintain natural immunity to diseases.

Fight against Bacterial Infections: Green chillies have anti-bacterial properties that help to keep infections away.

Great source of Iron:  Green chillies are a natural source of iron. Women are prone to iron deficiency so green chillies can help in that way.

Prevents lung Problems:-  Cold and Cough can be prevented by eating green chillies as it is a great source of Vitamin C. Even adding a Green Chilies diet can lower the risk of Lung Cancer.

Eat Natural Keep Healthy:-

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stress Busting Foods for Happy Living

Sipping up a cup of coffee in the morning and lying in bed has become a dream now. The morning alarm starts our day and we keep running to do our daily chores until it’s time to go to bed.  The result of this busy schedule is stress, anxiety and mood swings. It brings insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes and sometimes it causes fatal incidents like stroke and heart attack. Exercising and maintaining a controlled and healthy diet can help to revive this situation. It is not possible to bust the stress or anxiety from our lives but chronic stress can get us into life-threatening situations. Food is an essential part of our life and in our diet, we can include some food to boost our happy hormones to beat stress hormones and make us feel happy and energetic.

Food is rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B5, Fiber and omega-3–3 fatty acids that can reduce stress-related hormone Cortisol and Adrenaline in control.

Breakfast is a very essential part of the day. Breakfast with Oatmeal, Fiber reach cereal, and some fresh fruits like Banana, Blueberries Oranges can keep you energetic. Oatmeal contains the calm-inducing hormone serotonin, which helps to bust stress and keep a happy mood. Banana helps overcome depression due to high levels of Tryptophan which is converted into serotonin the happy mood hormone. Bananas are full of potassium and calcium which also keep us energetic. Oranges are packed with vitamin C. It helps to lower blood pressure and control the stress hormone Cortisol. Just drink a glass of orange juice or a whole orange to start your day energetically. Blueberries are also contain Vitamin C and full of antioxidants. Our body needs antioxidants and vitamin C to fight against stress.

For lunch and dinner, we can include Spinach, Swiss chard Avocado, Asparagus, Sweet potatoes, Lean meat, Lentil, Mushroom, Turkey, and Fish high in omega-3 – 3 fatty acids.
Spinach a green leafy vegetable contains an organic compound called PHENYLETHYLAMINE that is known as a stimulant drug. It helps to stimulate happy hormones and soothes depression or bad mood. Spinach also contains an amount of magnesium which helps boost energy through the body.

Asparagus and Avocado contain SEROTONIN a happy hormone that controls mood and promotes good sleep.

Including Green Chilies in the salad helps to bust our stress. Chillies release Endorphins into the brain that help to keep you happy.

Salmon and Codfish contain a high level of omega-3- 3 fatty acids, which control stress hormone levels and protect your heart. Consuming this fish thrice a week can control your stress and heart-related problems.

Having Turkey for dinner promotes good sleep. Tryptophan a compound found in Turkey promotes good hormone serotonin and controls tiredness and stress.

Nuts like Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, and Pistachios help to reduce Cortisol hormone. It also helps to increase our immune power to control stress.

Dark chocolate might have the power to regulate stress levels. It controls the stress hormone Cortisol, lowering blood pressure levels and improving blood circulation. Not a whole bar but just a bite can do well.

Vitamin B-5 deficiency can cause fatigue and sleeping problems. Mushrooms, lentils, and lean meat are sources of vitamin B-5 which can help to fight stress.

Before going to bed a glass of warm milk can help a lot to calm the mind and fight against insomnia. Milk is a good source of Vitamin D and calcium.  It reduces blood pressure and helps to feel relaxed.

Eat Natural Stay Healthy:-

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Drumstick Leaves ---- A Doctor in Home::

Moringa oleifera  commonly known as the Drumstick tree is a tropical tree now planted around the world. According to ancient Ayurveda Drumstick leaves will cure almost 300 types of diseases with 90 nutrients facts and 46 antioxidants. Drumstick leaves are an excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster. It contains minerals like calcium, iron, copper, magnesium , zinc and manganese.

  •    Leaves are rubbed on the temples to cure headaches.
  •    Drumstick leaves are able to kill intestinal worms.
  •  Drumstick leaves protect from diarrhea, Scurvy and catarrh. Drumstick leaves are used to treat fever, Bronchitis, and ear infections. Its leaf juice is used as a skin antiseptic. It is good for heart health. The soup of Drumstick juice leaves prevents Asthma.
  • Drumstick Leaves juice helps pregnant women to cure anemia and calcium deficiency. It increases women's milk secretion. It gives major prevention and strengthens a woman’s  body for  good baby growth.
  • Drumstick leaves contain anti-oxidants to boost metabolism in the body and maintain sugar levels. It’s good for digestion-related problems. It helps in blood circulation and improves the level of pure blood in the body.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Health benefits of Potato

Benefits of eating Potato:

There is a normal idea that consuming potatoes is very bad if you are on a diet. However, if we consume it in fewer portions it is a good source of nutrients for our diet. 

Solanum Tuberosum is the scientific name of Potato. Potato is a major food resource in the whole world. In our everyday food diet, potatoes play a big role. Russet, Idaho, Red and Sweet potatoes are common varieties found in our local grocery store. Mash potato, baked potato, and fries are everyone’s favorite. The less-known fact is that, potato our favorite food resource also has lots of benefits. Potato is a good source of vitamin B6, and vitamin C. It contains Potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, niacin dietary fiber and pantothenic acid. So consuming potatoes can give us some health benefits for sure.

Ø Bone Health - Iron, phosphorous, calcium, Magnesium, and zinc in potatoes helps bone structure and strength.

Ø Heart Health - Potato skin has a different kind of phytochemicals and vitamins which helps protect against cardiovascular disease by lowering levels of bad LDL cholesterol and keeping arteries fat-free. Baked potatoes with skin are very good for lowering cholesterol.

Ø Inflammation and Skin care – Potatoes are helpful for any type of inflammation. People who suffer from arthritis use potatoes for their anti–filtament impact. Juice from potatoes is good for burns bruises, sprains, skin problems and ulcers. Vitamin C and B complex, minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc are good for skin.

Ø Blood Pressure- Potassium, calcium and magnesium are present in potatoes to decrease blood pressure naturally.

Ø Metabolism – Potatoes have a boost of Vitamin B6, which helps in energy metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. It helps to prevent scurvy and the formation of kidney stones.

Ø Antioxidants – Potatoes contain folate, which plays a big role in DNA synthesis and repair preventing the formation of cancer cells. Especially red and russet potatoes contain high levels of flavonoid antioxidant which protects again from cancer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Health benefits of pointed gourd

Pointed gourd or parwal, also known as Patal in Bengali is a famous vegetable in India. In Indian cuisine, Patal is mostly used to prepare gravy, fries or curry. Stuffed patal and a specific variety of sweets also prepared by this vegetable.
There are many health benefits of eating patal are less known to the people.
This food is offering Vitamins like A, B 1, B 2 and Vitamin C. According to Ayurveda Patal or Pointed gourd have medicinal properties that help to keep the cholesterol levels in control and reduced Blood Sugar level. It can help to treat skin infections, fever, constipation and as a blood purifier. The seeds present in the vegetable help to ease stool and reduced constipation problem.

People who are not even like to eat patal or pointed gourd will now start eating them after knowing their nutritional facts. Eat them by making various types of dishes and stay healthy.

Eat healthy stay better.