Friday, March 11, 2016

10 Amazing Benefits of eating Green Chilies

Capsicum annuum L widely known as Green chillies is a common spicy vegetable in the whole world. India is the world’s largest consumer and producer of green chillies. In Indian cuisine, we can’t think about a spicy dish without chilli. From chutney to pickles, curries and fries almost every dish green chilli is a most needed ingredient. There are various types of chillies but green chillies are the best one. Green chilli is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin B 6, Vitamin A, iron, copper, and potassium. Green chilli doesn’t have cholesterol substance. It has phytonutrients like Carotene – B, Carotene – A, Kryptoxanthin - B and Lutein Zeaxanthin.

 Protect against Cancer: Green chillies are a rich source of antioxidants. They can protect the body against free radical damage to body cells giving natural immunity to cancer.

Delays Ageing:  Green chillies are a great source of Vitamin C, adding green chillies to your diet can slow down the ageing process and keep the skin healthy and glowing.

Eye care: Vitamin A found in green chilies helps improve vision and helps to maintain healthy eye.

Digestion: Green chillies have plenty of dietary fibres which help to digest food faster and proper movement of the bowel system.

Improves Mood: Green chillies release feel-good hormone endorphins that help to keep happy and in a good mood.

Weight loss: It helps in weight loss by increasing metabolism by burning calories.

Immune system: Green Chilies are a natural source of Vitamin C, which helps maintain natural immunity to diseases.

Fight against Bacterial Infections: Green chillies have anti-bacterial properties that help to keep infections away.

Great source of Iron:  Green chillies are a natural source of iron. Women are prone to iron deficiency so green chillies can help in that way.

Prevents lung Problems:-  Cold and Cough can be prevented by eating green chillies as it is a great source of Vitamin C. Even adding a Green Chilies diet can lower the risk of Lung Cancer.

Eat Natural Keep Healthy:-

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