Thursday, March 10, 2016

Stress Busting Foods for Happy Living

Sipping up a cup of coffee in the morning and lying in bed has become a dream now. The morning alarm starts our day and we keep running to do our daily chores until it’s time to go to bed.  The result of this busy schedule is stress, anxiety and mood swings. It brings insomnia, headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure, and diabetes and sometimes it causes fatal incidents like stroke and heart attack. Exercising and maintaining a controlled and healthy diet can help to revive this situation. It is not possible to bust the stress or anxiety from our lives but chronic stress can get us into life-threatening situations. Food is an essential part of our life and in our diet, we can include some food to boost our happy hormones to beat stress hormones and make us feel happy and energetic.

Food is rich in Vitamin C, Magnesium, Vitamin B5, Fiber and omega-3–3 fatty acids that can reduce stress-related hormone Cortisol and Adrenaline in control.

Breakfast is a very essential part of the day. Breakfast with Oatmeal, Fiber reach cereal, and some fresh fruits like Banana, Blueberries Oranges can keep you energetic. Oatmeal contains the calm-inducing hormone serotonin, which helps to bust stress and keep a happy mood. Banana helps overcome depression due to high levels of Tryptophan which is converted into serotonin the happy mood hormone. Bananas are full of potassium and calcium which also keep us energetic. Oranges are packed with vitamin C. It helps to lower blood pressure and control the stress hormone Cortisol. Just drink a glass of orange juice or a whole orange to start your day energetically. Blueberries are also contain Vitamin C and full of antioxidants. Our body needs antioxidants and vitamin C to fight against stress.

For lunch and dinner, we can include Spinach, Swiss chard Avocado, Asparagus, Sweet potatoes, Lean meat, Lentil, Mushroom, Turkey, and Fish high in omega-3 – 3 fatty acids.
Spinach a green leafy vegetable contains an organic compound called PHENYLETHYLAMINE that is known as a stimulant drug. It helps to stimulate happy hormones and soothes depression or bad mood. Spinach also contains an amount of magnesium which helps boost energy through the body.

Asparagus and Avocado contain SEROTONIN a happy hormone that controls mood and promotes good sleep.

Including Green Chilies in the salad helps to bust our stress. Chillies release Endorphins into the brain that help to keep you happy.

Salmon and Codfish contain a high level of omega-3- 3 fatty acids, which control stress hormone levels and protect your heart. Consuming this fish thrice a week can control your stress and heart-related problems.

Having Turkey for dinner promotes good sleep. Tryptophan a compound found in Turkey promotes good hormone serotonin and controls tiredness and stress.

Nuts like Almonds, Pecans, Walnuts, and Pistachios help to reduce Cortisol hormone. It also helps to increase our immune power to control stress.

Dark chocolate might have the power to regulate stress levels. It controls the stress hormone Cortisol, lowering blood pressure levels and improving blood circulation. Not a whole bar but just a bite can do well.

Vitamin B-5 deficiency can cause fatigue and sleeping problems. Mushrooms, lentils, and lean meat are sources of vitamin B-5 which can help to fight stress.

Before going to bed a glass of warm milk can help a lot to calm the mind and fight against insomnia. Milk is a good source of Vitamin D and calcium.  It reduces blood pressure and helps to feel relaxed.

Eat Natural Stay Healthy:-

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