Saturday, February 27, 2016

Drumstick Leaves ---- A Doctor in Home::

Moringa oleifera  commonly known as the Drumstick tree is a tropical tree now planted around the world. According to ancient Ayurveda Drumstick leaves will cure almost 300 types of diseases with 90 nutrients facts and 46 antioxidants. Drumstick leaves are an excellent source of nutrition and a natural energy booster. It contains minerals like calcium, iron, copper, magnesium , zinc and manganese.

  •    Leaves are rubbed on the temples to cure headaches.
  •    Drumstick leaves are able to kill intestinal worms.
  •  Drumstick leaves protect from diarrhea, Scurvy and catarrh. Drumstick leaves are used to treat fever, Bronchitis, and ear infections. Its leaf juice is used as a skin antiseptic. It is good for heart health. The soup of Drumstick juice leaves prevents Asthma.
  • Drumstick Leaves juice helps pregnant women to cure anemia and calcium deficiency. It increases women's milk secretion. It gives major prevention and strengthens a woman’s  body for  good baby growth.
  • Drumstick leaves contain anti-oxidants to boost metabolism in the body and maintain sugar levels. It’s good for digestion-related problems. It helps in blood circulation and improves the level of pure blood in the body.

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