Sunday, February 21, 2016

Health benefits of Potato

Benefits of eating Potato:

There is a normal idea that consuming potatoes is very bad if you are on a diet. However, if we consume it in fewer portions it is a good source of nutrients for our diet. 

Solanum Tuberosum is the scientific name of Potato. Potato is a major food resource in the whole world. In our everyday food diet, potatoes play a big role. Russet, Idaho, Red and Sweet potatoes are common varieties found in our local grocery store. Mash potato, baked potato, and fries are everyone’s favorite. The less-known fact is that, potato our favorite food resource also has lots of benefits. Potato is a good source of vitamin B6, and vitamin C. It contains Potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, calcium, iron, niacin dietary fiber and pantothenic acid. So consuming potatoes can give us some health benefits for sure.

Ø Bone Health - Iron, phosphorous, calcium, Magnesium, and zinc in potatoes helps bone structure and strength.

Ø Heart Health - Potato skin has a different kind of phytochemicals and vitamins which helps protect against cardiovascular disease by lowering levels of bad LDL cholesterol and keeping arteries fat-free. Baked potatoes with skin are very good for lowering cholesterol.

Ø Inflammation and Skin care – Potatoes are helpful for any type of inflammation. People who suffer from arthritis use potatoes for their anti–filtament impact. Juice from potatoes is good for burns bruises, sprains, skin problems and ulcers. Vitamin C and B complex, minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorous and zinc are good for skin.

Ø Blood Pressure- Potassium, calcium and magnesium are present in potatoes to decrease blood pressure naturally.

Ø Metabolism – Potatoes have a boost of Vitamin B6, which helps in energy metabolism by breaking down carbohydrates and proteins into glucose and amino acids. It helps to prevent scurvy and the formation of kidney stones.

Ø Antioxidants – Potatoes contain folate, which plays a big role in DNA synthesis and repair preventing the formation of cancer cells. Especially red and russet potatoes contain high levels of flavonoid antioxidant which protects again from cancer.

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