Monday, February 15, 2016

Seeds for good Digestion

Indigestion is a common problem in our daily life. Heartburn, Bloating, Gas, and Constipation are related problems through indigestion. Taking some common herb seeds in our daily diet can improve these problems and discomfort.

  • Cumin seeds- In Indian cooking mostly cumin seeds and powder a common spices Other than that these seeds are very good for digestion and related problems. Cuminaldehyde and Thymol these two compounds are present in cumin, which may activate the salivary glands in our mouth and stimulate the secretion of pancreatic enzymes, compounds necessary for proper digestion of the food in the stomach and intestines. Cumin is also Carminative, which means that it relieves gas trouble and improves digestion and appetite.

  • Coriander Seeds- Coriander seeds can also be used as a digestive aid. It soothes upset stomach, in digests and relieves intestinal gas. Coriander seeds also have a Carminative compound.

  • Black Pepper- Hydrochloric acid is necessary for the digestion of proteins and other food components in the stomach. When the body’s production of hydrochloric acid is insufficient then food sits in the stomach for long periods which leads to heartburn and indigestion. Taking black pepper increases hydrochloric acid secretion and improves digestion.

  • Carom seeds- Ajwain or carom seeds contain a high level of thymol which aids the release of gastric juice from the stomach and speeds up the process of digestion.

  • Fennel seeds- Fennel seeds have Carminative effects that soothe the digestive tract and prevent the formation of gas. It is also used to relieve digestive problems such as indigestion bloating flatulence, constipation, colic, intentional gas, and heartburn.

  • Fenugreek seeds- Fenugreek seeds help flush harmful toxins from the body and aid digestion. It is full of fibre and antioxidants.

  • Cardamom seeds- Cardamom can be used for digestive problems. It relieves nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn loss of appetite and constipation.
Using these seeds in daily cooking can help with digestion. Another way to intake these seeds is to make powder of them and drink it with warm water after having food. Simply chewing a teaspoon of fennel seeds or carom seeds after meals aids digestion and relieves stomach pains and bloating. When suffering from indigestion, you can drink fennel tea or take one-half teaspoon of carom seed powder along with water two times a day.

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